Friday, March 26, 2010

The Week in Kids, #4

This week... 

There is not much to report.  It is as if these children know that they are my greatest source of material and they are entering contract negotiations. I expect to hear from their agent/lawyer/father any day now.  I am prepared to play hardball.

Also this week...

Samuel's school had their open house.  Nana stayed with Jonah and Cate, and Hubband and I took Sam.  He was soooo excited to have us all to himself, and so proud to show off his work (like the bunny ears above) and his friends.  Then we took him out for a special treat.  It was a Sam date.  His smile just melted out hearts.  A lot of kids are nice, but one at a time is very sweet too. 

Also this week...

We've had beautiful Spring weather for the most part and we are taking advantage of it, as you can tell from the pictures.  (Big shout out to Grandpa Bill (my dad) for getting us the swing set, and putting it up.)  One day it was even so hot, I dressed them in their water clothes and chased them around the yard with a hose.  Squirting them, not beating them, in case that wasn't clear.

Also this week...

There was cake.  It is funny, when my kids want cake for breakfast I say, "No."  Then my kids ask me, "Why not?"  And, I have no real good answer.  I am a fraud.  I want cake for breakfast too.  I'll admit it.  I mean, if they are going to eat cake at some point in a day, does it matter at what point.  (Unless sugar on an empty stomach makes your kids puke, which it does not mine.  Big surprise, huh?)  So, this week there was cake, but not for breakfast.  I swear.

Also this week...

Jonah said, "Mommy, you are such a beautiful a-hole."  And he said, "a-hole" not the derogatory phrase.  I know where he gets this bull-s.  I must stop listening to talk radio in the car.

Hubband and I were hugging, or huggsing as Sam calls it, when Sam ran up, threw his arms around our legs, and said, "I like this.  I like this."  Oh, c'mon.  That made you say "aww."

Catherine started saying "apple," "bus," and "ball."  Bus and Ball sound exactly the same, but she points in a different direction.

See you next week!

Grandma Christine (Hubband's mom) is coming to visit next week.  These children, if they know what is good for them, will start acting cute again.  And, they are not getting a penny more.  I don't care who their lawyer is.


  1. I thoroughly enjoy the Week in Kids. It's quite entertaining, I must say! And funny to boot. Cake for breakfast is a very good thing.

  2. yep...I vote for cake for breakfast. People think nothing of pancakes...what's the difference? ha.

    Love the hugging...Taylor used to squeeze in between us and say he wanted to be in a sandwich hug. awwww.

  3. Love your babies friend! You are a terrific MOM!

  4. I imagine that contraption in the garden will become a tool for teaching fearlessness to kids and also for preserving the sanity of the parental units.

  5. Leah: Thank you. And thank s for stopping by. I am going to check out that Yiddish book.

    Betsy: Isn't it great when they love us so simply?

    Linds: Hey, great to have you stop by. And thank you for the compliment.

    Vince: Yes, the contraption was meant to be just that. My father gave it to me for MY birthday last year. He thought I might like to have them all outside.

  6. Could you teach them to blog, and they could blog about you for a fair exchange of material?
