First, I hate the word "blogger." It is ugly, but it is ubiquitous, and there does not seem to be any reasonable alternative. Writer of instantly published internet media? Bahh. I call other bloggers "writers" unless doing so would not make my meaning clear.
I mention it because my anniversary as a blogger is approaching. My bloggiversary, if you will. (Shudder) It is on October 26 to be exact, and I am on a bit of a mission to write two hundred posts by then. So, if you have noticed a little extra activity here at uno, dos, tracey, that is why.
I appreciate you, my readers slogging through it all. I hope the quality hasn't suffered. The end is near. And, then I may just collapse into a heap, (blogger's cramp), and not write another thing until the new year.
Oh the pressure! Good luck with your goal and I'm enjoying the oftener posts in the meantime.