Thursday, December 10, 2009


Here is a collage I made from a photo of my son Samuel, 3.

I tried it out as my title photo for part of the day, but I don't think is suits the blog as well as the lady cooking in her cap and gown, so she is back for those of you who noticed her missing.  But, I liked this look at Samuel too much to just take him down all together.

He is a great, quirky kid.  I imagine that this might be how he sees us.


  1. I am seeing your wonderful photo/art...and I am seeing if I can comment.

  2. This is a beautiful image. I love the combination of bright and pale colors. : )

  3. CAN comment. Yeah!

    LadyCate...thank you. I like the up-closeness of it. The photograph itself was a bit of a mistake. He runs right up on me. But, then, this is how close I see him often.

  4. Very nice effect here in your photo!
